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Battlefield V (PC/EN)

Battlefield V (PC/EN)

EUR 52.89

EUR 59.99

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F1 2019 (PC/EU) -10%

F1 2019 (PC/EU)

EUR 35.99 EUR 39.99
Descripción del producto

It is a global key but has English version only.

Buy Battlefield V (PC) Game Key

Buy Battlefield V (PC) game code and get your key for Origin activation within minutes via email! Use the key to access your highspeed download of your received game. Don't miss out this offer.

About This Game

Enter mankind’s greatest conflict with Battlefield V as the series goes back to its roots in a never-before-seen portrayal of World War 2. Take on physical, all-out multiplayer with your squad in modes like the vast Grand Operations and the cooperative Combined Arms, or witness human drama set against global combat in the single player War Stories. As you fight in epic, unexpected locations across the globe, enjoy the richest and most immersive Battlefield yet.

Buy Battlefield V

System Requirements


  • OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • Processor (AMD): AMD FX-6350
  • Processor (Intel): Core i5 6600K
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeon™ HD 7850 2GB
  • Graphics card (NVIDIA): nVidia GeForce® GTX 660 2GB
  • DirectX: 11.0 Compatible video card or equivalent
  • Online Connection Requirements: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection
  • Hard-drive space: 50GB

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F1 2019 (PC/EU)

EUR 39.99 EUR 35.99

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